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Welcome to MW23.Com

Tips for using search

1. use keyword search for most comprehesive results
2. use advanced search to narrow down the search list, add more search criteria for more targeted search
for example: use whole or partial author ID to search, together with keyword search.
same is true for Post ID and date created.
In summary, you can use any one of search choices, or all 4 choices for advanced search


1. Please Enter a username, passwd, and email address to register for membership.
2. An ID will be generated for your search convernience and your easy archive
3. A posting ID number is used for search and view individual post, just click the post id in your search list or all post list.
4. You can post up to 512 byte, and use links to your interested subjects instead of copying over your blogs or other publications.
5. Most text URLs can be automatically translated into a Clickable Link, this is very convenient to users, you can simply copy and paste URLs to your posts. In case you want to create clickable links manually, here is the method(simplly reploace the "url" and "linkname"):
< a href="url" > LinkName </ a >
6. You are encouraged to provide extra keywords, or tags in your posts which are handy for your future search or listing
7. You are encouraged to publish original post here, and use your username, penname or authorID, and
you deserve to be redwarded in the future
8. Please do not post your private information for safty purppose
9. Please follow the law and rules, and read term of service and privacy for additional info.

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